2018年8月19日 星期日


“Architecture, as well as all other arts, being an imitatrix of nature, can suffer nothing that either alienates or deviates from that which is agreeable to nature” — #AndreaPalladio, who died #otd in 1580 ➡️tsc.hn/43129fb

2013年9月2日 星期一

Palladio and Palladianism 帕拉底歐與帕拉底歐風

Palladio and Palladianism (World of Art) Paperback

"Tavernor has done a first-rate job. His study is the most up-to-date Palladian book currently on the market....Rudolf Wittkower would, I know, have admired Tavernor's book as much as I do."—Sir John Summerson
Robert Tavernor looks at Palladianism in terms of its meaning, and sees it as part of the history of ideas. Here, architecture is returned to its place as the art that embodies values. Black-and-white illustrations throughout
Series: World of Art

Paperback: 216 pages
Publisher: Thames & Hudson (April 17, 1991)
Language: English

帕拉底歐與帕拉底歐風   蔡毓芬 譯  
台北: 地景 2001

帕拉底歐與帕拉底歐風 - 博客來

  帕拉底歐可謂古往今來最重要的建築師。他的建築風格及繼羅馬高文藝復興在北義大利的後續發展,並且沾染時下盛行的矯飾主義色彩。由於他本人的 著作《建築四卷》(I quattro libri dell\’ architettura)及繼承者史卡莫奇(Scamorzzi)的《通用建築概念》(L\’idea della architettura universale)之出版與流傳,帶動各地積極仿傚,除本書敘述的英語系國家的發展之外,亦在歐陸引起風潮。甚至經由維新的日本,隨著日據時代的西式 建築進入台灣,譬如二二八公園的國立台灣博物館。風有神廟門廊(Portico)兩邊對稱的建築立面幾乎都可稱為帕拉底歐風。現代建築大師勒─柯布謝 (Le Corbusier)也要師法帕拉底歐。帕拉底歐建築的魅力究竟何在,值得深入探討。
  嚴格的比例、簡單立方體、大柱式 (giant order)、空間序列與中軸對稱等,是帕拉底歐風建築數百年來同樣的語言。根據不同時代背景不同的動機,呈現出不同的詮釋。帕拉底歐的業主交給他的使命 是恢復正統古典,祛除蠻族風格;他的盎格魯薩克遜追隨者或為彰顯新教君主權威;或為促進啟蒙運動的維觀念;或為建立新國家的理想社會。這些動機背後都隱涵 著道德教化的寓義,企圖透過建築的媒介,改善人類社會與生活,達到人文主義者所謂之「德行」(Virtu),也是貫穿本書的史觀。
  除作 者的史筆之外,對經典作品亦有精細入微的解析,頗類似最近已出版的《義大利文藝復與建築》,屬於個人風格及斷代史之論述。內容與本系列前幾本書均有值得互 相參考比較之處,其中《古典建築語言》是認識古代古典建築的入門好書;西洋建築史上的脈絡可對照《西洋建築史》;帕拉底歐之前在佛羅倫斯和羅馬一帶發展成 熟的文藝復興建築在《義大利文藝復興建築》有詳盡介紹。與前述著作相關部份併入譯註標示。
  此外,譯者再次修改舊譯中少數譯名,如「伯靈頓爵士」(Lord Burlington)和他設計的「約克交誼廳」(Assembly Rooms)。更改譯名似乎是每譯新書必經的檢討步驟。達到確定譯名的確需要一段過程,並希盼讀者見諒。
   譯完此書時,思及此類書藉也能達到小具規模的程度,有種踏實的滿足感,雖然距離一套完整的建築與設計藝術全集還很遙遠。然而,這些滿載西洋文化藝術的小 書,歷經爭取版權的波析,改換一種語言登陸一個陌生的海島,似乎也有些孤獨與無奈。在此特別感謝地景公司在不景氣低潮中,毅然堅守文化事業,繼續出版此 書;從譯出第一個中文字開始,就伴著這套書成長兼充語文顧問的外子,更不在話下;另外還要感謝施植明教授、劉舜仁教授這段期間的鼓勵與技持;還有許多未曾 謀面的讀者,使本系列獲得維繫生存與成長的力量。

 這是先前看過的好的"完全"翻譯作品. 由於當時沒作筆記.現在只談其中的一可能小錯.

第16頁的 拉飛爾作品可參考:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villa_Madama
中文將第三卷1540/84 的"單位"搞錯: 翻譯成"年".  其實這"/"可能指"or"  即該卷書的第1540頁或1584頁.  參考:  Punctuation Marks - Guide to Grammar and Writing

slash or slant or solidus or virgule [ ] (take your pick of names) is used to indicate a choice between the words it separates...
The slash can be translated as or and should not be used where the word or could not be used in its place. To avoid gender problems with pronouns, some writers use he/she, his/her, and him/her. Many authorities despise that construction and urge writers either to pluralize when possible and appropriate (to they, their, them) or to use he or she, etc. instead. Notice there is no space between the slash and the letters on either side of it.

Palladio’s grand space came alive with images, music, words and animated diagrams and special effects that proceeded to parse from every possible angle the Veronese’s pictorial composition, social structure and drama, which is ostensibly about Jesus’ first miracle, the turning of water into wine, but is really about the lifestyles of the rich and aristocratic of 16th-century Venice. No part of the Veronese image actually moves, but the piece never rests. Close-ups of the faces in the painting, appearing on the side walls between Palladio’s great corniced windows, alternate with apparitional red diagrams of portions of the composition, seen as if from above. There are also subtitles for the whispered conversations that Mr. Greenaway has written for the 126 wedding guests, servants, onlookers and wedding crashers depicted by Veronese.
