2018年9月22日 星期六

MY LAST SIGH By Luis Buñuel. The Persistence Of Memory: A Biography Of Dali 1995; 記憶的堅持:達利 2000

路易斯·布紐爾·波爾托萊斯西班牙語Luis Buñuel Portolés,1900年2月22日-1983年7月29日)西班牙國寶級電影導演、電影劇作家、製片人,代表作有《安達魯之犬》、《青樓怨婦》,執導電影手法擅長運用超現實主義表現,與超現實主義名畫家達利是搭擋好友。


1929年一條安達魯狗Un Chien Andalou法語
1930年黃金時代L'Age d'Or法語
1962年泯滅天使El Angel Exterminador西班牙語
1967年青樓怨婦Belle de jour法語威尼斯影展金獅獎
1972年中產階級拘謹的魅力Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie法語奧斯卡最佳外語片
1974年自由的幻影Le fantôme de la liberté法語
1977年朦朧的慾望Cet obscur objet du désir法語提名—奧斯卡最佳外語片獎
Film director Luis Buñuel's celebrated memoir MY LAST SIGH was first published on this day in 1983.
“I can't help feeling that there is no beauty without hope, struggle, and conquest.”
― from MY LAST SIGH (1983)

A provocative memoir from Luis Buñuel, the Academy Award winning creator of some of modern cinema’s most important films, from "Un Chien Andalou" to "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie". Luis Buñuel’s films have the power to shock, inspire, and reinvent our world. Now, in a memoir that carries all the surrealism and subversion of his cinema, Buñuel turns his artistic gaze inward. In swift and generous prose, Buñuel traces the surprising contours of his life, from the Good Friday drumbeats of his childhood to the dreams that inspired his most famous films to his turbulent friendships with Federico García Lorca and Salvador Dalí. His personal narratives also encompass the pressing political issues of his time, many of which still haunt us today—the specter of fascism, the culture wars, the nuclear bomb. Filled with film trivia, framed by Buñuel’s intellect and wit, this is essential reading for fans of cinema and for anyone who has ever wanted to see the world through a surrealist’s eyes. READ more here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/my-last-sigh-by-luis-…/

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書名:記憶的堅持:達利,原文名稱:The persistence of memory : a biography of Dali,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9578319738,頁數:469,出版社:臉譜,作者:Meredith ...


超現實主義的圖像研究-以達利與馬格利特為例__臺灣博碩士論文知識加 ...

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摘要本研究主要目的是透過了解超現實主義的由來、相關的理論、達利與馬格利特成長背景及繪畫風格的演變,從而歸納相關資料,探討兩人在表現手法、表現主題、 ...

The Persistence Of Memory: A Biography Of Dali Paperback – August 22, 1995

Surrealist painter, author, filmmaker, lecturer, performance artist, charlatan, genius, clown, Salvador Dalí (1904–1989) once asked himself, "Where does the deep and philosophical Dalí begin, and where does the loony and preposterous Dalí end?" This evenhanded but exacting biography, based on interviews, unpublished letters, and previously unavailable archives, explores the relationship between his eccentric life and the hallucinatory imagery of the paintings that, like the soft watches, have become twentieth-century icons. The author penetrates the artist's self-mythologizing facade to reveal the man behind the outrageous mustache and cryptic canvasses: his Catalan childhood; his relationships with Garcia Lorca, Bunuel, Breton, Picasso, Miro, de Chirico, Man Ray, Ernst, and Eluard; Dalí's fixations, phobias, and Surrealist pranks; and his bizarre marriage to Gala—muse, business manager, nymphomaniac, gold digger, and finally tormentor. With reproductions of sixteen Dalí paintings, The Persistence of Memory offers an unrivaled tour of the absurd and haunting landscape of Dalí's life.



Salvador Dali Persistence of Memory Meaning: Salvador Dali's Melting Clocks. The Persistence of Memory is perhaps the most famous Dali painting, with its iconic "melting clocks" becoming the icon of Surrealism and one of the most recognizable pieces of art of the twentieth century.May 30, 2013

Salvador Dali Persistence of Memory: Meaning of the Melting Clocks

The Persistence of Memory - Wikipedia


The Persistence of Memory (Catalan: La persistència de la memòria) is a 1931 painting by artist Salvador Dalí, and is one of his most recognizable works.
Year‎: ‎1931
Artist‎: ‎Salvador Dalí
Description · ‎Versions
