2018年7月9日 星期一


我和Kathy週末的時候參觀了朱銘美術館。朱銘毫無疑問稱得上是台灣的國寶級藝術家,也是世界一流的雕塑大師之一。朱銘的太極系列在國際上頗為知名,但我們覺得他的人間系列也一樣具有視覺上的震撼力。對於朱銘大師用靜態的雕像竟能刻畫出生動的動態和力量,我們感到相當驚豔。朱銘美術館坐落於新北市寧靜悠遠的山區,儘管可能要花上75分鐘的車程才能抵達,但它絕對值得一訪。--- 梅健華 #FromAITDirector
Kathy and I visited the Ju Ming Museum over the weekend. Ju Ming is of course one of Taiwan’s most treasured cultural figures and one of the finest sculptors in the world. He is best known internationally for his Taichi series, but we found his Living World series visually compelling, as well. We were struck by the way he portrays motion and dynamism in an art form of still figures. The museum is tucked into the tranquil mountains of New Taipei City about 75 minutes from Taipei, but it is well worth the trip…km
