2018年7月21日 星期六

Osias Beert the Elder

The red poppy, tulip, carnation and roses are brightly lit, with a sense of depth created by Osaias Beert the Elder in the shadows. Fallen petals and conspicuous insect damage in the leaves suggest the fleeting beauty of such arrangements and, by extension, human mortality. The plain stone shelves in this painting and its companion piece are typical of the early 17th century, as is the porcelain Wan-Li vase, a luxury item that would have been imported to the Netherlands from China by the Dutch East India Company. Admire the flowers and the exquisite porcelain in Room 17a: http://bit.ly/2KQJLpj

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Still life with oystersc. 1610
Osias Beert or Osias Beert the Elder (c. 1580 – 1623/24) was a Flemish painter active in Antwerp who played an important role in the early development of flower and "breakfast"-type still lifes as independent genres in Northern European art. He has been recognized as one of the most influential artists of the earliest generation of still life painters in Flanders.[1]
